The UCA collaborates with the DevalSimWeb project, the modernization of Latin American Universities
The president of the University of Antioquia (Colombia), Alberto Uribe Correa has received the DevalSimWeb project partners’ coordination in the country of Colombia. This project lead from the University of Cadiz by the EVALfor group was approved by the ALFA III Programme of the European Commission, with a total budget of 1.3 million Euros.
As DevalSimWeb project partners participate, in addition to UCA as coordinator, the Durham University (UK), the University of Antioquia (Colombia), the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, the University of Costa Rica and the Salesian University of Bolivia.
The purpose of the ALFA III program of the European Commission is to promote higher education in Latin America as a means to contribute to economic and social development of the region by modernizing institutions and higher education systems in the beneficiary countries. In this sense, the "DevalSimWeb- competences development through participatory evaluation and simulation using web tools" offers an alternative approach to the assessment of learning in universities, based on the use and incorporation of technology information and communication.
A cooperative initiative that aims to improve the quality of Latin American higher education by "the development of evaluative competences of teachers and students, and interpersonal skills involved (analytical and critical thinking, sense of ethics, decision making, problem solving and teamwork), as a means for students to successfully complete their university studies and be part of the workforce in a context characterized by the use of technology of the information and communication TICs through social networks and knowledge ".
During these days, we are developing the second meeting of the Transnational Committee of Direction and the International Seminar II DevalSimWeb. In the working sessions the latest developments are been analyzed in the context of the project and agreeing in the following stages of the same, highlighting the approval of a series of reports on students desertion and placement of graduates in all Latin American universities and the work plan to implement DevalSimWeb training programs for teachers and students at participating universities.
In the II International Seminar fundamental aspects for the design and development of this training programs are considered, with the intention of improve the evaluative competence of teachers and students. We insist on, in a special way and in first place, the use of innovative web services developed by the EVALfor group of the University
Of Cádiz, as EvalCOMIX and DIPeval which facilitate the assessment activity of teachers and facilitate students participation in the evaluation processes, and in second place in the incorporation of the simulation games in the training process.
Training programs are conducted throughout the next year2013in all participating universities in the project, reaching the first phase to more than 150teachers andaround300college students in the participating universities.
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