We announce AIDIPE 2015, XVII International Conference on Educational Research, with the theme "Research with and for society" to be held at the University of Cadiz from the 24th to the 26th of June in Cadiz (Spain).
We are working to make AIDIPE 2015 an international forum for the debate and discussion of the advances and challenges of educational research in order to promote a more caring and committed society. We live in a globalised and changing society which moves between poles, sometimes antagonistic, which gravitate around access to/privation of material and intellectual resources, plurality/uniformity of ideas and beliefs or the use/limitation of the use of technologies. In this context, it becomes necessary for educational research to work with and for the society of the moment.
Educational research must offer medium and long term alternatives for the challenges and needs posed by the different interest groups. To this end, and in order for the research results to contribute to improving society, the latter must support and finance the research, paving the way for their results to become visible and for the investigators to be recognised.
The main objective of AIDIPE 2015 is to create a forum that will allow educational researchers to share the perspectives, methods and results of their investigation. To this end, the organisation of AIDIPE 2015 "Research with and for society" has focussed on six broad themes Moreover, this edition of AIDIPE conferences opens to innovative experiences in education which means that proposals which affect the improvement of education and society are made, both as regards research and innovation.
Our attention is focussed on AIDIPE 2015 being an opportunity to generate value, exchange achievements and establish contacts.
We look forward to counting on your participation so that, between us, we can make AIDIPE 2015 a success.