The Inter-University Educational Research Association - AIDIPE- came into being at the end of the seventies, with the object of promoting and stimulating the quality of educational research by means of training, collaboration, exchange of experiences, the diffusion of knowledge and the results of relevant research, by means of social commitment, connection with the environment and an international vocation.

AIDIPE is regulated by its statutes, coordinated by a Board of Directors and functions by means of assemblies. Its current structure comprises ten Territorial Delegations and includes four hundred associates from different countries. This is one of the most veteran and largest of the associations dedicated to educational research in Spain. It is a founding member of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) and organised the European Conference on Educational Research -ECER 2012- in Cadiz. It is also a member of the World Education Research Association (WERA). This means that all the members of AIDIPE are also members of EERA and WERA.

AIDIPE has been publishing the Educational Research Journal (RIE)since 1983 and RELIEVE - the E-journal of Educational Research, Assessment and Evaluation since 1994.

The trajectory of the conferences organised by AIDIPE began in 1981 and, since then, sixteen biennial and seven virtual conferences have been held. Since 1991, a total of eleven biennial meetings of the Area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education have also been held.

AIDIPE Journals


AIDIPE Conferences

Libro del Congreso

Descarga el Libro del Congreso AIDIPE 2015 Investigar con y para la sociedad

Volumen 1 (4,97 Mb)

Volumen 2 (9,14 Mb)

Volumen 3 (11,4 Mb)


Descarga el Programa completo de AIDIPE 2015


Descarga la APP Conference4me y sigue la programación del Congreso AIDIPE 2015

Para descargar la APP, visita la web conference4me o escribe 'conference4me' en Google Play, App Store de iTunes, Windows Phone Store o Amazon Appstore.

First Call

