Standards for the elaboration of posters on research

For their assessment the posters will be presented in:

  1. Communication format, with the same requirements, except for the specification of the key aspects, and in
  2. Representational, graphic and printed format.

Communication format posters on one of the five themes. These contributions require:

Authorship document:

  • Title of the poster
  • Authors
  • Institution
  • City Country
  • Contact e-mail

Document with the main text of the contribution, which must take into account the following sections and requirements:

- Title

- Abstract (150-200 words).

- Keywords in accordance with the ERIC Thesaurus to create a link between the word and the address (4-5 words).

- Structured in the following sections in accordance with the IMRaD format:

  • Introduction,
  • method,
  • results and
  • discussion/ conclusions.

- References in accordance with the sixth edition of the APA standards linking the word to the address

- Maximum length of the document including the main text: 4000 words. Minimum: 3000 words

Posters in communication format will comply with the following style sheets:

→ Authorship template for research posters - communication format

→ Main text template for research posters - communication format

Exhibition format poster on one of the five research subjects.  This will be presented in a representational graphic and printed format.

Posters in exhibition format will comply with the following style sheets: (available soon)

Assessment criteria:

  • Relevance of the contribution for AIDIPE 2015
  • Significance of the theoretical framework used as a starting point
  • Appropriateness of the methodology (design, methods, strategies and instruments) used.
  • Quality of the data and opportunity to analyse the same
  • Relevance of the advances or results
  • Consistence and prospective of the discussion
  • Up-to-dateness and pertinence of the bibliography
  • Impact and scientific value of the contribution
  • Transferability of the research


Contributions are sent to the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AIDIPE 2015 "Research with and for society" via the ConfTool platform:

Libro del Congreso

Descarga el Libro del Congreso AIDIPE 2015 Investigar con y para la sociedad

Volumen 1 (4,97 Mb)

Volumen 2 (9,14 Mb)

Volumen 3 (11,4 Mb)


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